Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Perth Christmas Lights & Fireworks

On Saturday night, Perth City Centre had a carnival atmosphere with fairground rides, foodstalls, music, fireworks and the obligatory "celebrity" (of whom I had never heard) switching on the Christmas Lights. All this is designed to get us in the Christmas 'spirit', and draw us in with open wallets to rejuvinate the fortunes of the flagging High Street.

And I would love to oblige. There are many things, in many shops, for many people I would like to buy.

Sadly however, someone has decided that Scottish Gas can help themselves to a another inflation-busting helping from my bank account. This rather rules out extra discretionary spending for a while, even if that means that local businesses suffer, the town's economy suffers and the decline of the town centre continues unabated.

The Christmas lights are lovely. The spectacle on Saturday was impressive. Not really the point though, is it?

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