Saturday, November 22, 2008

Did you hear the one about.........

Q: Why did the hedgehog cross the road?
A: To see his flat-mate!

Q: What did the policeman say to his belly-button?
A: You're under a vest!

Q: Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
A: He didn't have the guts!

Q: Why was the Egyptian confused?
A: Because his Daddy was a Mummy!

Yes - Boris and Norris have a joke book, the favourite bits of which are read, re-read, and read again, and the amount of laughter which accompanies each punchline doesn't seem to diminish with each telling. Even better, we have spent a couple of days with the famous Solihull Five, and they too have a joke book, into which they too enjoy repeated forays to the same pages!

Little Doris on the other hand (being only just three) hasn't quite got the hang of jokes yet. This, however, doesn't stop her joining in the peels of laughter - or indeed writing new jokes. "Why did the man cross the road? Because his face was a mountain!" was one we were treated to in the car yesterday. Fortunately this greatly appealed to Norris' somewhat overdeveloped sense of the absurd and he up-ended himself laughing, which was nice because little Doris was very pleased to have been able to join in the big-kids game so successfully.

All I can say is, if you are thinking of buying your kids a joke-book for Christmas, choose very carefully as you will hear its contents, many, many, many times!


AnneDroid said...

What do you call a Scotsman with one foot in his house and one foot outside his house?

Hamish! (Hame-ish). My son thinks this is fab. He also likes one about squirrels but it's a bit rude.

Anonymous said...

“Because his face was a mountain!” Your Toddler has achieved a mastery of Zen it would take an older person years to attain.

My favourite joke is a Woody Allan one:

What’s the difference between being alive and being dead?

When you’re dead and wake up it’s harder to find your slippers.

Lins said...

A man walks into a pub and sees Vincent Van Gogh. He says "Hey! Vincent! D'you fancy a drink?"

The painter replies "No thanks, I've got one 'ere."

One 'ere. Ear. Geddit?

That Hideous Man said...

I knew I could rely on you to post something dreadful in response....

Fish Wife's Tales said...

Lins adding that "man walks into a pub" joke reminds me of one of my favourite jokes..

A piece of string walks into a pub and the barman asks, "Are you a piece of string?"

The piece of string replies, "No, I'm afraid not."

Afraid not. A frayed knot. Geddit?

Do I hear groaning from the Hideous household? In my house, I'm the only one who laughs at my jokes. Probably the same when I blog.

Lins said...

Here's another...

William Shakespeare walks into a pub and the barman says "Yer barred!"

Barred. BARD. Geddit?

(Thank you PK!)

That Hideous Man said...

So a horse walks into a bar, and the barman says,

"Why the long face?"