Wednesday, March 21, 2007

At last she speaks!

Little Doris (who will be 2 in May) has at last started to utter intelligible words. Her reluctance to walk until she was a year and a half has not affected her ability to toddle about quite effectively; and so we assume that her equal reluctance to speak will not have any undue consequences.

The thing which seems to have given her the confidence to start experimenting with sounds was the weekend she spent with us in London - away from her noisy brothers! Since then she has been trying new words out every day. Now it's not that she is holding conversations by any means, but it is lovely to hear her practicing with shaping and forming words, even when she's only half got them and we are the only ones who knows exactly what she means.

I strongly suspect that, given what we know of her character, that the initial drought which has become a trickle, will soon become an unstoppable deluge.

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